» Need to Know «

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No New Posts Rules and FAQ

The rules to get you started and the frequently asked questions to help you.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

3 3 Historical Summary of Paleo Island
by V.elocity
May 2, 2011 20:19:36 GMT -5
No New Posts Inhabitants

All the information you need to know about who, and what, lives on Paleo Island. Suggested reading before creating a character.

12 16 The Shapeshifter
by *~`cHEsHirE!i!cHEetAH`~*
Mar 9, 2012 18:12:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Miscellaneous Tidbits

All the facts, miscellaneous information and stats you need to know about anyone and anything living on the island.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

4 9

» Back in Your Own Mind «

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No New Posts Staff Board

Here is a board where our staff can discuss things on the site without members being around.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Advertise and Affiliate

Here, you may come and advertise you website or apply to be a affiliate or sister site to us.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

Sub-boards: Affiliate, Avertise

89 90 Aspire Equine Academy. [lb]
by EllIonify
Oct 14, 2019 12:29:33 GMT -5
No New Posts Out of Character Chat

Enter fancy discription about this board here!
Here, you may talk to other people about whatever you like, whether it may be how nice the weather has been or something about bananas in pajamas!

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Paint Pretty Pictures

Show off all your pretty artwork to the members here! Also share any of your dA, Flickr, etc. accounts here.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

2 6 table testing
by *~`cHEsHirE!i!cHEetAH`~*
Jun 23, 2013 20:41:41 GMT -5
No New Posts Disappearances

Oh no! Where did you go? Tell all the members when you're leaving, so it won't cause any upset feelings when you're gone for a while!

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

6 8 This Weekend
by V.elocity
Aug 31, 2011 18:48:05 GMT -5
No New Posts Activity Checks

All activity checks will be posted here! Any members who do not check in two months in a row without reason will be deleted.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Archives

Where'd that thread go? All of the old and unfinished threads will go here for storage so we will have more space. Don't worry, we won't delete them!

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

4 36 || Outside the sky waits....!
by V.elocity
Mar 7, 2011 19:35:35 GMT -5
No New Posts Devious Shenanigans

Muhahaha! Here, you may plot with other members with your evil schemes you may have in store for your characters! All major plots will be posted here as well.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

1 1 ☠ Taking this one to the grave
by Rαyne
Jul 22, 2010 9:57:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Other Role Play

Don't feel like role playing your Paleo Island characters but you want to role play something else instead? Come post in this board! Role plays here can be anything, dragons to futuristic aliens or slices of cheese left in a post-apocalyptic fridge to your favourite television show.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

» Fit into the Skin «

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No New Posts Create Your Character

Here, you may create your character and wait for a staff member to approve it before you start to role play.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

6 6
No New Posts Approved Characters

All characters that are approved by staff are moved here.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

34 46 ~`Raised By Wolves`~
by Damon Adrian Gideon
Dec 31, 2011 3:14:59 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Logs

Here, you may keep track of all your characters and make a big fancy log.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

5 25 ~`My Masks To This World`~
by *~`cHEsHirE!i!cHEetAH`~*
Jan 1, 2012 17:29:24 GMT -5
No New Posts Getting into Character

Post histories, stort stories, anything that can help you get in sync with your character, and help others understand them too!

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

5 13 ~`The Icy Rose's Trials Of Life`~
by Alina Kay Carder
Jun 5, 2011 2:40:02 GMT -5
No New Posts Adoption Center

Have a character you don't want? Bored and feel like flinging free characters around? Go ahead and post them here for someone to adopt!

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, V.elocity

1 1

» The UnAllied«

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Tossico Forest

Tossico Forest is a heavily wooded area that serves as hunting grounds for both the natives and the newcomers. This land does not belong to any tribe, nor to any of the newcomers. It also serves as a boundry between the native's lands and Port Lucia.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, Rαyne, V.elocity

1 1 ~`Open`~~`Peaceful Living`~
by *~`cHEsHirE!i!cHEetAH`~*
Mar 6, 2011 21:25:30 GMT -5
No New Posts Chiaro Falls

Chiaro Falls are a magnificent set of water falls coming from the highlands where there is a large, spring fed lake. The falls empty into another lake, which is more of a pond size. From there a river takes the water across the island. This place is very beautiful, especially during the summer and at night when the moonlight dances across the surface of the water. The water here is abundant with fish and is crystal clear with a soft, sandy bottom

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, Rαyne, V.elocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Candido Beach

This beach stretches across a good portion of the island's south coast. The sands of Candido are very white, making this a place that is easily seen in the day or during the night. The water is very calm here, which is good for swimming since the winds do not blow from this direction. There are many rock formations on this beach. It is surrounded by cliff walls on most sides, and soetimes, caverns can be found in the cliff sides. There are some low parts of scrubby brush leading to Tossico Forest that offer easy acess to the beach.

Moderators: Lynx zombieh, Toxic, Rαyne, V.elocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

» Playing with Voodoo «

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No New Posts Malvagità Tribe Camp

The Malvagità Tribe, meaning evil, does not fit its land so well, matter of fact. The land's beautiful and secluded, being the farthest away from the newcomers, but always has had an eery feeling. Since the territory is so large, this tribe is the largest. The camp is set near the middle of the land, closer to the north side. The camp is actually well protected, due to the dense tree canopies and large bushes. Most of the trees are hardwood, but the biggest trees are evergreens, which provides cover in the winter. The camp is pretty well protected. The tribe, however, differs from the land.

  • Bello lake && Cascata Degli Amanti
  • Salto Della Morte
  • Pacifico Forest
  • Tramonto Bello Plateau

Moderator: Toxic

Sub-boards: Bello Lake , Cascata Degli Amanti , Salto Della Morte , Pacifico Forest , Tramonto Bello Plateau

1 1 Not Another Escape? [Open!!!]
by nysa
Mar 21, 2011 8:35:49 GMT -5
No New Posts Magia Nera Tribe Camp

On the far side of the island, directly across Port Lucia, is the territory of the Magia Nera tribe. Half of the territory's border is marked by steep cliffs into the sea. The forest is deep and thick towards the center of the territory, but thins out into a meadow as it approaches the inland borders. The camp of the tribe is nestled deep in the forest. The houses are very sheltered, made of stone and wood, and are sometimes built several feet off the ground, in the trees.

  • Selvaggio woods
  • D'Inferno Cliffs
  • Ossi Meadows

Moderator: Rαyne

Sub-boards: Selvaggio Woods, D'Inferno Cliffs, Ossi Meadows

1 1 ~`OPEN`~~`No Need To Worry`~
by Raven Hale
Jun 30, 2011 3:10:08 GMT -5

» A Foot in Both Sides «

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No New Posts Cintola Tribe Camp

Nestled in the middle of the Cintola's territory, lays the camp. It is in the middle of a large meadow, surrounded by thick forest. Their homes are made of wood and deerskin, occasionally decorated with feathers. A small brook flows straight through the camp, providing the natives fresh water without having to travel anywhere.

  • Minko Woods
  • The Cliffs
  • The Foothills

Moderator: Lynx zombieh

Sub-boards: The Foothills, The Cliffs, Minko Woods

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Dhriti Tribe Camp

On the far side of the Dhriti's territory, blended among the trees, is their camp. The camp is in the middle of a large forest, under some tall pine trees. The camp is very sheltered, so the houses don't really need too much covering from the elements. The camp is frankly hard to find to newcomers.

  • Snapjaw River
  • Aril Plains
  • Bane Forest

Moderator: Lynx zombieh

Sub-boards: Bane Forest, Aril Plains, Snapjaw River

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» Sleeping with Dreamcatchers «

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Carino Tribe Camp

The Carino people established their homes near the cliffs on the east side of the island on the edge of their territory. The caves protect them from the elements and keep them cool in the summers. Only drawback is that in the winter it can get very cold so they have to make extra fires.

  • Bianche Socliere
  • Placido Laghetto
  • Pineta Forest

Moderator: V.elocity

Sub-boards: Pineta Forest, Placido Laghetto, Bianche Scogliere

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Carità Tribe Camp

The Carità people live closest to the Newcomers making their camp ten miles outside of the port town's limits. They leanred, and stole, a great deal from the Newcomers. They have taken to building their houses much like them, as well as dressing like them. They are probably the only tribe who likes the new group of people on the island.

  • Corsia Bluffs
  • Togliere Woods
  • Biscia River

Moderator: V.elocity

Sub-boards: Corsia Bluffs, Togliere Woods, Biscia River

1 4 we're undercover | [ over it ][vel]
by V.elocity
Mar 6, 2011 13:52:17 GMT -5

» The Newcomers «

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No New Posts Port Lucia

Port Lucia started as a small trading spot for the British empire. As it expanded people began to come from all over to live on the mediterranean island. The town has grown from a place where everyone knows eachother to a place where you may not even know your neighbour two houses over. Every type of person occupies this place; the rich, the royal, and the lowly. Now the town is expanding into a small city. Eventually the Newcomers plan to establish other towns on this large island and completely occupy it.

  • The Docks
  • Airship Docks
  • The Livery
  • The Shops
  • The Town Taverns
  • The Craftsmen
  • St. Michael's Church
  • Port Lucia Graveyard
  • Cigno Park
  • For Your Entertainment
  • Fantasia
  • The Back Allies
  • Housing
  • Military

Moderators: V.elocity, Lynx zombieh, Toxic, Rαyne

Sub-boards: The Docks, Airship Docks, The Livery , The Shops, The Town Taverns, The Craftsmen, St. Michael's Church, Port Lucia Graveyard, Cigno Park, For Your Entertainment, Fantasia, The Back Allies, Housing, Military

16 151 ~`In Search... Of Something... More...`~~`Vel`~
by Alina Kay Carder
May 12, 2012 12:37:47 GMT -5
No New Posts Estates

Welcome to the area outside of Port Lucia where all the rich and royal folk live. Many large mansions and estates are nestled in the woods, hills, dales, and valleys here. The staff live on site with their masters and mistresses. The houses and land all vairy in size and price, but every last one of them is not an easy thing to afford.

Moderator: V.elocity

1 6 I've found you~[Cheetah]
by Insanity
Feb 19, 2012 13:40:05 GMT -5
No New Posts The Countryside

On the very outskirts of Port Lucia lie all the farms. Some of these farms are even further out than the estates and pretty much have to fend for themselves. Some of these farmers are actually quite wealthy and have larger homes and more stock animals and crops, where as some are no so fortunate. But hey, it makes a living.

Moderator: V.elocity

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» Beyond The Sea «

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No New Posts The Beyond

Welcome to Death's domain, The Beyond. Death resides here unless he is visiting the realm of the living for business. His children were raised here and come back to visit their dear old father every once in a while. Souls brought here are escorted to another plane of existance by Death himself. The only beings that can access The Beyond are Death and the two reapers, unless they bring a guest with them.

Moderator: V.elocity

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts The High Seas

Fancy taking a ship out on the ocean? Here is a spot for all of those seafaring characters out there. If they live on the island but want to make a living fishing or going off to other places for trade or exploration, this is the place to post. Be careful you don't run into pirates!

Moderator: V.elocity

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No New Posts Up In The Air

This is where one of the key elements of Steampunk comes into play on the world of Paleo Island. Just like some make their livings on the high seas, some take to the skies in the mighty airships of this world. Trade and exploration are very common among the crews aboard the airships. Post here if the airship has left the docks. And don't think for one second that you are safe from pirates.

Moderator: V.elocity

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